"Perhaps you met me on MV at the West Tisbury Farmer's Market or at a First Friday event in VH. Maybe I was your gardener or your community herbalist. I might have met with you to help you heal from a chronic illness. You may have heard about me from a friend or loved one who gifted you a consultation with me. Maybe I met you while traveling or in Sedona when I was pregnant. Either way, I am glad you are here. I am glad we are here. It is an honor to meet you here, now.
I'm from the east coast, born and raised outside of Boston and really grew up on the island of Martha's Vineyard in my twenties and early thirties. It was there that I started my first business, Bee Well. It evolved from organic gardening, food production and beekeeping to clinical herbalism, traditional medicine making and consulting.
In my mid-thirties, during late fall of 2018, I took a wild ride on my own heroes journey where I was burdened with a tough case of Lyme Disease. I didn't know I had it for many years until I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease after many, many visits to the doctor for chronic pain where I was bedridden for weeks at a time. I knew this diagnosis was just a clue to a bigger picture and I was right. Over the course of several months and answering my soul's call to show up for myself in this way, I gathered all of the tools in my tool belt that I had gathered over a course of a decade of odd life choices, such as spending nine winters in India studying and learning, yoga teacher trainings in India and in the US, meditation courses in an ashram in Varanasi, intensive herbalism workshops, beekeeping, etc... and ultimately I developed a protocol that changed the trajectory of my life. I essentially cured myself of two so-called incurable diseases. A full year later, my blood no longer carried the Lyme bacteria and my thyroid has been functioning normally. Since then, I have helped others change their lives and the way they think about healing. With my straight forward approach to self healing, my work is to inspire others to do the same. We are engineered for self healing, and I am honored to help others walk this path.
I now live in West Sedona with my two year old wonder boy, Jai Coyote and our pup, Rosebud. My business has transformed from Bee Well to Mother's Apothecary, an honoring of where my life has taken me and ultimately, a high honor to the great mother, Earth where all medicine and nourishment comes from, and all great mothers. We are living a simple life, growing food and medicinal herbs and we are delighted to offer our abundance to our community. We believe in this humble way of life, of offering something simple and meaningful. You can find us at the Sedona Farmer's Market on Sundays on 89A and at our shop located at 40 Soldiers Pass Rd in West Sedona. I'm looking forward to connecting. In love, Susie"
I'm from the east coast, born and raised outside of Boston and really grew up on the island of Martha's Vineyard in my twenties and early thirties. It was there that I started my first business, Bee Well. It evolved from organic gardening, food production and beekeeping to clinical herbalism, traditional medicine making and consulting.
In my mid-thirties, during late fall of 2018, I took a wild ride on my own heroes journey where I was burdened with a tough case of Lyme Disease. I didn't know I had it for many years until I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease after many, many visits to the doctor for chronic pain where I was bedridden for weeks at a time. I knew this diagnosis was just a clue to a bigger picture and I was right. Over the course of several months and answering my soul's call to show up for myself in this way, I gathered all of the tools in my tool belt that I had gathered over a course of a decade of odd life choices, such as spending nine winters in India studying and learning, yoga teacher trainings in India and in the US, meditation courses in an ashram in Varanasi, intensive herbalism workshops, beekeeping, etc... and ultimately I developed a protocol that changed the trajectory of my life. I essentially cured myself of two so-called incurable diseases. A full year later, my blood no longer carried the Lyme bacteria and my thyroid has been functioning normally. Since then, I have helped others change their lives and the way they think about healing. With my straight forward approach to self healing, my work is to inspire others to do the same. We are engineered for self healing, and I am honored to help others walk this path.
I now live in West Sedona with my two year old wonder boy, Jai Coyote and our pup, Rosebud. My business has transformed from Bee Well to Mother's Apothecary, an honoring of where my life has taken me and ultimately, a high honor to the great mother, Earth where all medicine and nourishment comes from, and all great mothers. We are living a simple life, growing food and medicinal herbs and we are delighted to offer our abundance to our community. We believe in this humble way of life, of offering something simple and meaningful. You can find us at the Sedona Farmer's Market on Sundays on 89A and at our shop located at 40 Soldiers Pass Rd in West Sedona. I'm looking forward to connecting. In love, Susie"
Back when Mother's Apothecary was Bee Well MV
Past incarnations of Susie's Herbal Apothecary offerings